
Head of Government of Cambodia Warns People to Take Care Of Covident 19 While Concerns About Doubt . Civil society officials understand that the government has the obligation to take the most preventive and preventive measures to avert the epidemic in Cambodia and not to Let people regret and rebuke the government.

Prime Minister Hun Sen wrote on Facebook that although Cambodia has not had 19 cases of the disease yet, prevention is better than it is. Treat. He called on people to wash their faces, hands and feet with soap or disinfectant to prevent infections.

Posting Hun Sen's tweet now comes as some Facebook users posted pictures of people fainting and dying. Successively in Sihanoukville, Siem Reap, and in Phnom Penh. However, authorities and Ministry of Health officials have always denied false information and claimed that those who died were unconscious. Heart attack and alcohol abuse.

On the morning of March 1, a Facebook user also shared a picture of another foreigner lying unconscious in Wat Saru Techo in Phnom Penh, but health officials found that That the foreigner was drunk and was not involved in the disease.

All infectious diseases, including the disease 19, could not faint, Health Ministry spokesman Lee Sovann said on Facebook. Or sudden death takes many days to develop such symptoms as fever, tiredness, coughing, dryness, runny nose and severe cases can develop Light exhaustion and progression Slowly to moderate fatigue and then panting tired and need a lot of time today. The director of the infectious disease department said that fainting or sudden death, often non-communicable and alcohol-related illnesses such as heart attacks Stroke, short-term brain oxygen deficiency (called cessation), standing in the sun, severe dehydration and drinking Heavy alcohol.

Relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Information, on March 1 announced that they were seeking information distributors to take street action. The law.

Executive Director of the Cambodian Social Accountability Coalition, Mr. Sorn Chey, said that people are increasingly sharing images of people fainting or dying in Cambodia Because they are concerned about the disease that has spread throughout the world and cause fear even in modern medical countries. And very mattress Sort of. In this context, the WHO team in Cambodia should verify the information with the Ministry of Health in order to dispel doubts Other charges. The civil society official also called on all concerned parties to take preventative measures and prevent them from taking any precautionary measures. Infectious infection of cowboy 19 causes people to regret: "No matter what the Ministry of Health publishes information, as citizens Individuals Every family, national and private institution should be alerted regularly and preventative measures such as placement and means of washing Hand wash, as I see in Western-owned hotels, is well organized, even at the entrances. There is also regular cleaning and dampening Also, wash the bottle with alcohol. But what we are concerned about is that public and private schools, especially those in rural areas, seem to be Waiting for information from the Ministry of Health more than precautionary measures.

So far, Prime Minister Hun Sen did not want people to be overly cautious, telling officials to attend meetings with him Leaving the auditorium, calling the masked man out of fear. The leader also left 23 Cambodian students alone in Wuhan, the area where the outbreak of the disease had been diagnosed. Leaders from other countries have evacuated their students from the area since the first blast.

By the evening of March 1, the worldwide number of people infected with cow-19 had reached nearly 80,000 (86). 986). The death toll rose to nearly 3,000 (2,979). More than 40,000 were cured (42,322). Most of the deaths are in China.